LILAMORS; album design

LILAMORS; naslovnica albuma


The album's identity is based on the album’s theme which speaks to the complexity of birth, life and death. As a result, the base of the design is monotonous, and the black and white motif itself appears throughout the whole album (cover, inner sleeve, record).

Celostna podoba albuma bazira na temi albuma, ki govori o kompleksnosti rojstva, življenja in smrti. Posledično je izbira barve pri podobi zasnovana monotono, sama motivika črno-bele pa se pojavlja skozi celotno podobo (ovitek, notranji ovitek, plošča).

Holographic labels with hand-embossed illustrations serve as a contrast to the black and white motif and show the full spectrum of colours under direct light. Each cover is unique with a different layout and illustrations.

Holografske nalepke z ročno vdolbenimi ilustracijami služijo kot kontrast črno beli motiviki in pod direktno svetlobo prikažejo celoten spekter barv. Vsaka plošča je temi primerno unikatna z različno postavitvijo nalepk in ilustracij.

Edition: 200
Print: one-colour offset print, 4/4, white vinyl

Naklada: 200
Tisk: enobarvni offset tisk, 4/4, bela plošča

Photography / Fotografija: 
Jaka Teršek
