MRFY – Najlepše bitje; animation

MRFY – Najlepše bitje; animacija


Najlepše bitje (The Most Beautiful Being) is a music video for MRFY band that follows the music with its picturesque visual elements and tries to capture the feelings when you are with your most beautiful being.

A collection of visual animated elements that have been hand-cut, painted and scanned present a vivid portrait of (a song about) love, that is also as colorful as it is intense.

The video consists of more than 5000 individual scans in 4K resolution.

Still frames #2889 #3906 #2730

Najlepše bitje je glasbeni videospot skupine MRFY, ki s slikovitimi vizualnimi elementi sledi glasbi in poskuša ujeti občutke ko si s svojim Najlepšim bitjem.

Skupek vizualnih animiranih elementov, ki so bili ročno izrezani, pobarvani in poskenirani prikažejo živahen portret (pesmi o) ljubezni, ki je prav tako barvita kot intenzivna.

Videoposnetek je sestavljen iz več kot 5000 skenov posameznih izrezov v 4K ločljivosti.

Behind the scenes

AE view

Blaž Rojs ✕ MRFY
Video & Music © & ℗ 2023

MRFY – Najlepše bitje on YouTube