

2018 –  

Dissolver, 2023
Oil on canvas, charcoal drawings on cut-out canvas, industrial glue
80 × 60 cm

Memories, 2023
Cyanotype on custom framed canvas
55  × 35 cm

Flowers, girls and random things, 2022
Inktone negatives, oil pastel, colour spray, magazine cut-outs, acrylic paint
100  × 80 cm

Kisses and Goodbye, 2022
Cyanotype on canvas, oil pastel, acrylic paint
60 × 50 cm

Double, 2022
Polaroid, canvas, pigmented colour, acrylic paint, binder, plexiglass
86 × 60,5 cm

DD20, 2021
Polaroid, cyanotype on paper, 120 positive film, acrylic paint, 20 plexiglass layers
20 × 20 × 20 cm
